The extra detail provided with this chip allows boaters to navigate through waters such as Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron /Georgian Bay, most of the Rideau Canal & the entire Trent Severn Waterway / Lake Simcoe. The charts are presented in vector format, which means they are 'layered', with more detail included the closer in one zooms. Unlike raster charts, which are basically just scanned paper charts, zooming out in a given area gives a broader perspective without the clutter found on raster charts.

As Boogaboo only has a canvas top over the helm, the reception is 100 %, as seen in the accompanying photo. This one was taken the other day, when we were heading from Young's Point to Peterborough. The picture shows our position within the lock (#27, Young's Point), about two-thirds of the way in, on the north side - right where we we actually were. So, big deal? Uh, YES! I've heard from other GPS users that there is still some deviation purposefully built into the system to throw the terrorists off by a few feet. Ya, that bit of news and $5,000 will get some choice swamp land in Florida.
From what I've seen so far is that any deviation one might experience on their chartplotter stems more from inaccurate maps than from incorrect placement therein. Like the warning says at the startup of any of these units, one shouldn't rely solely on ENCs (Electronic Navigation Charts). Yes having up to date paper charts for backup and reference should go without saying. You never know when you might have them pesky gremlins take out the power to that GPS or make you loose the satellite signal.

Yes, I was the overconfident skipper in this scenario. After having successfully transiting the down bound journey through this area of water know as 'Hells Gate', I was more concerned with getting in close for a really good picture of the church that I didn't make sure I was where I thought I was on the chart. My only defense is that this was a couple of years ago, prior to getting the chartplotter. I know, that's not much of a defense . . .

The end result of my indiscretion was no more than a little bit of skeg shaved off the outdrives over a little patch of slightly submerged ground called Sherin Shoal. I guess I was able to trim the drives up quick enough and we just skirted the edge of the shoal. I'll always feel like I left a little bit of me behind in Stony Lake.
One last note on this article. While I write this, we are on the down side of that very spot and will be passing by there in a couple of days on our way back home. . . . I'm so excited about that. But hey, I do have a chartplotter now.
And a greater respect for the marked channels ;-)
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